When It's God's Plan

After thirteen years of being a stay at home mom, I returned to work last year. While I prayed about how to proceed, I felt led to apply to the company I worked for right after I married and started a family. It was a long shot, but I submitted a resume and left it in God's hands. A week later I was given an interview over the phone and asked to come in to meet the Department manager in person. I learned the department head was a woman that I worked with fifteen years before that been promoted to department head. We weren't particularly friendly many years ago, but I once again left it in God's hands. When I asked for the address of the interview, the human resources representative informed me that the office where I would work if hired was moved a month prior to several blocks from where I lived. 

The day of my interview I walked into the office to a welcoming hug and a warm smile from my co-worker. She informed me right away that it was not an interview at all as I was already hired and she just wanted to catch up with me. I could cry from relief. She was excited to work with me again and through our conversation, we learned that we were both practicing Christians. 

Fast forward exactly one year from my first day of work. God sent me a dream of a large wave crashing down all around me but none of the devastations touched me. At work, chaos ensued rocking my entire department. Staff were being fired, transferred, and suspended at an alarming rate. Soon after, the entire office was flooded displacing us to the headquarters. For months we were in less than optimal work conditions, but still, I trusted God's vision that the devastations wouldn't touch me.

Recently, I had surgery and wondered if I would be next on the chopping block after several more staff dismissals at work. I felt a pressing in spirit to leave my current job. While on temporary disability I began to search for other opportunities. The last week of my six-week disability leave I landed an interviewed. I asked my mom to babysit my littlest but she couldn't because she had a doctor's appointment that she had wanted me to drive her to. I figured the job just wasn't for me as bothing seemed to be working out. After a few minutes of discussing it with my mom,  we figured out my potential interview and her appointment were only a block from each other, one hour apart which was perfect and solved both of our problems. Funny enough, the interview was also just several blocks from where I worked after being displaced from our office six months ago.

Four hours after my interview I was offered the job; a managerial position. After some prayer, I felt God leading me to take the job.

Yesterday was my last day of work with the company that gave me an opportunity, after being a stay home mother for thirteen years. It's because I was able to work and flourish there, I was qualified for a managerial position with better pay, better hours and more convenient travel.

After my shift was over, I was informed that within a few week's time, the department I worked in was being eliminated. They planned to keep only me and two other current employees, but the job change would have been a hardship for me.

On my drive home, I thought about this particular road I've traveled for the past year and a half of returning to work. In retrospect, I see God's hand and favor as my companion. A plan He began guiding me continuing to move forward as He planned because I trusted Him to lead it. From the beginning I was given divine counsel to apply to a company that offered me a job quickly & learned a lot. Being displaced worked in my favor because I learned the area where my new job would be. Recovery from surgery gave me the opportunity to find and interview for a new job. And ALL of it was God's leading. He placed people and opportunities that led to more people and opportunities. 

If you have been following my posts you know this has been my year of change and as you can witness, the change continues, but when He is the author of change, it's always for our benefit.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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