It Will Be Alright

I have A LOT of transition going on in my life right now. On Thursday I am having major surgery, am in the process of moving, my kids are about to go back to school, working on three books at the same time (one with a deadline of October 1st), volunteering at church, back to doing graphic design, helping other authors with their books, and two other major changes in my life that I can't yet discuss, on top of everyday life, as me.

I will continue to say that 2018 is my year of change and it continues whether I am ready for it or not. Whether I choose it or not, it rolls on. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, but I am a bit exhausted. And with so much going on I get to wondering that can sometimes evolve into worry.

Will I recover from surgery and return to work quickly enough? Will I make my book deadline? Will I be well enough to move on time? Will my kids adjust well to new schools? Will something very important to my future come to pass? Can I take the next steps in my journey with courage?

Then I just take a deep breath and remind myself that God is in control and that will everything will be alright. I am reminded of all the things that He has brought me through and I know everything will be alright. Granted they may not come out as I am hoping, believing, or wanting, but since I am trusting that they will come to pass as God wills it, I know everything will be more than ok.

I remind myself that just in this past year alone, He has brought me through some of the roughest and rockiest paths I have ever journeyed, blistering my heart and mind, leaving me dehydrated. I remind myself my thirst was quenched when I sought the living waters of Christ. I remind myself that despite all of these changes forcing me to go farther than I believed I could, they are ALL for my good and that I haven't been this GOOD in years. I remind myself that through Him, with Him, and in Him I am:


I see reflections of a woman that once lived and breathed all things Jesus. I see her matured in Him, shaking the dust from her cloak since life went haywire and dragged her through the mud after she tossed herself into the puddle first. I see redemption. I see God was always with her, making everything more than alright. Not just for me, but for everyone who places their future in His hands.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 ESV

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