In God's Time

Its hard being still. When life all around me is rising or falling, crashing or rebuilding, moving to and fro, I want to do something. I want to get to the next level of life. I want to stop the bad. I want to get over the hurt quickly. I want to get to the healing quickly. I don't want to walk the desert for forty years. I want to cross over the Jordan into the Promised Land and enjoy the milk and honey.

And then I remember that even the Promised Land was inhabited with struggles. That life, here on earth, is not trouble-free. That wandering around for forty years is a matter of what I do, say, feel while I'm waiting on God to guide me. That moving forward at His pace will teach me, grow me, prepare me for what is to come. That in His time, I will enjoy life here on earth. That I can have peace if I am patient.

It will take as long as God says it will. Seeing other's being blessed may feel like it will never be us. What may seem like nothing happening you, may tempt us to move, fix, do something in our own strength. Trust me, I know. It took something very hurtful for me to see that I hadn't truly surrendered to God what He had asked me to surrender to Him over a year ago. I continued to try and do it in my own strength and I believe I may have caused irreversible damage. 

I wish I could share with you all that God is giving, removing, collapsing, building, teaching, redeeming, restoring, and more in me and my life. I have been quiet about most because it's not yet time to reveal it all, but I wanted you all to know, that God has promised life on earth will never perfect, but we will see goodness in the land of the living. I have to trust His promise to me.

I just felt led to encourage you all that, whether you are in a storm, in the waiting, or in the rebuilding stage of this season of your life, it is just that - a season. We will see goodness. Grumbling won't get us there faster. Rushing Him won't get us there faster. Holding on won't help. It's in His due time, once we surrender it to Him completely. He promised and therefore will deliver His end of the bargain, so long as we hold up our end. Keep pressing forth. Let go and Let God. Trust Him.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27: 13-14 NIV

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